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Ice Fountain Water District Logo

Serving the west side of the Hood River valley since 1963

Ice Fountain Water District Outstanding Performance
Reed Road Transmission Line Pump Station
Reed Road Transmission Line Pump Station interior construction
Our crew hard at work on a pressure reducing station
Lower York Hill Resevoir just to the north of the Hood River Golf Course
Installing an 8 inch main on Post Canyon Drive
Our Binns Hill Resevoir (left) and upper York Hill Resevoir (right)
Valve inserts for Booster Pump station
Swapping out motor on York Hill pump station
Valve installations on Post Canyon Drive
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Welcome to Ice Fountain

Emergencies and After hours contact information:

For water emergencies that require immediate attention, please call 541-806-2602.
Only Ice Fountain personnel may operate the shut off valve at the meter.

Notice of Date Change for Ice Fountain Water District Board Meeting: The Date of the regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting for October has been changed from Tuesday, October 16th, to Tuesday October 23rd.

New Address

We have moved to 1375 San Giorgio Rd. in Hood River. San Giorgio Rd. is off of Guignard Rd. Customers are now welcome at our new office, and there is a white payment drop box on the road out front for customers to use. If you send your water bill payments through your bank or financial institution, you must update the mailing address to reflect our address.


If you experience a complete loss of water pressure, assume that you should boil your drinking water until further notice. This is a mandated, precautionary measure required by the Oregon Health Authority. Any boil advisories will be broadcast on the local radio station and posted on our website as soon as feasibly possible:

Keep in mind, that in the event of water interruption, our staff will be focusing on restoring water service. Consequently, communication will happen as soon as feasibly possible. Often, unexpected service interruptions happen after business hours, on weekends or holidays. Ice Fountain Water District field staff has someone on call, and available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ice Fountain Water District now participates in the emergency notification service provided by Hood River County. If you would like to receive alerts from Ice Fountain Water District please go to the following website to enroll:

Below is the current bi-monthly rate for a 3/4″ water meter

Bi-monthly base rate (includes 6,000 gallons) Per thousand gallon charge (in excess of 6,000 gallons per two month billing period)
$82.30 $3.54

We are hiring!

Ice Fountain Water District is looking for a new member to join the field staff. The position is for a water distribution operator, level I or II certification is preferred. Excavation and or construction experience would also be preferred. Other knowledge, skills and abilities to be considered would be Oregon Commercial Driver’s License, Flagger certification, Confined Space certification, and bi-lingual. While experience and certifications are preferred, they are not necessary, and we will train a suitable candidate. Must be goal driven, with excellent customer service skills and able to work well in a team environment. Excellent benefits package, and members of the Oregon PERS (public employees retirement system).

Ice Fountain Water District provides their customers with emergency on call services 24/7. All field staff is required to be in the on call rotation and must live within 30 minutes of Ice Fountain Water district boundaries. Interested applicants may contact the office at 541-386-4299 for more information.

History of Ice Fountain Water

Ice Fountain Water District was established in 1963. At that time, there were several small water user groups that were purchasing surplus water from the City of Hood River. These water systems joined together to form Ice Fountain Water District. The election was held on December 16th, 1963 and there were 158 ballots cast. Of those ballots, 147 were for and 11 against the formation of Ice Fountain Water District.

Over the years, the district installed miles upon miles of infrastructure to tie these smaller systems together. Eventually, there were only two remaining connections with the City of Hood River. In the early 1990’s, the Ice Fountain board started considering the possibility of developing the Ice Fountain spring due to the rising costs of purchasing water from the City of Hood River, and the uncertainty of a surplus water agreement.

On March 12th, 1996 Ice Fountain presented a bond to its constituency for $3,823,000 to develop the Ice Fountain Spring, transmission line, and an 800,000 gallon reservoir to become independent of the City of Hood River. The bond passed, with 940 in favor, and 588 opposed. Construction was completed on May 1st, 1999 when Ice Fountain Water District shut off the connections with the City of Hood River and became independent.

From 1999 until present, Ice Fountain Water District has continued to improve its infrastructure on an annual basis. In 2013, Oak Grove Water Company was acquired; bringing the total number of service connections to 2,078. Today Ice Fountain Water District has five reservoirs, three pumping stations, and serves 25 square miles of the west side of the Hood River valley.